James Boswell; the pioneer of the proper racecar, innovator of modern performance, and steward of classic automotive heritage.


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JBC Crossmember Motor Mount - Manufacturing Files


JBC Crossmember Motor Mount - Manufacturing Files


Bolt on mounts for the JBC crossmember for various engines.  

Depending on which chassis you engine came from the engine side motor mount brackets will determine which crossmember mounts need to be made. All mounts are designed for use with Nissan S chassis isolators. 
These isolators are available new from most any auto parts store or are not hard to find used. 

For an engine (SR/KA/CA) from an S14 or S14 chassis, use files marked S14.
For an engine (SR/KA/CA) from an S13 chassis, use files marked S13.
For any L motor, use files marked L.

There are options for bent sheetmetal parts that are easier to weld up if accurate bending is and option. Otherwise the flat files are all easy to get cut or even hand cut.

Files are the same for left and right mounts but need to be bent/welded in reverse.

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