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Version 3 Steering Column Kit
Version 3 Steering Column Kit
Take the DIY out of your install
This kit includes the remaining fabricated components needed to complete the installation of the JBC rack and pinion kit. This kit is only compatible with Ford Escort Rack used in the V3 rack and pinion kit.
Note: Pictures are currently out of date and show old welded column version. New version is all splines connections.
New Chromoly splined 510 column shaft with machined support bearing features
New Chromoly intermediate shaft splined for both U-joints
New lower and upper U-joints splined to match the Ford rack
New double sealed ball bearing
Aluminum outer housing clamp
Even though there are two different length steering columns depending on the production year of the 510, our custom splined column shaft has extended spline length to make it a universal fit to all 510 columns.