James Boswell; the pioneer of the proper racecar, innovator of modern performance, and steward of classic automotive heritage.


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Nissan 300zx Z32 to Datsun 510 - 11.4" Rear Disc Brake Conversion Brackets - Manufacturing Files


Nissan 300zx Z32 to Datsun 510 - 11.4" Rear Disc Brake Conversion Brackets - Manufacturing Files


Brackets to bolt-on Z32 rear calipers to stock Datsun 510 rear trailing arms.
Brackets position calipers to fit Z31 11.4” Rear discs.

This kit was developed for our endurance road racing 510 to provide excellent braking potential without fade during hours of high speed use. These fit within our 15” wheels but it was tight. We were very satisfied with the performance of this combination and wanted to make it an option for you.

The calipers should be purchased for the rear of a Z32 Nissan 300ZX. These calipers are a popular upgrade for the 240sx and have a lot of aftermarket support.
The rotors should be purchased for the rear of an ‘85-86 Z31 Nissan 300ZX NON-TURBO. Only the early NA version has the correct 4 lug pattern and rotor offset. Later NA’s and Turbo’s are 5 lug and different offset, they will not work.

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